Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies in 2023 | Skay Documentry

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies | Skay Documentry

Versatility an idea that people have contemplated over for a really long time in the event that not centuries and specialists continue to concoct similar inquiries how might we transport more individuals and cargo how would we make portability as protected as could really be expected and most how would we make it harmless to the ecosystem around 8 billion individuals all over the planet need to appreciate versatility around 4 billion individuals fly on planes every year and around 1 billion vehicles drive on our streets urban communities are developing traffic expanding and ecological contamination is gaining out of influence new ecological developments like fridays for future and activists like greta tunberg reprimand the situation there is brief period to act environmental change is man-made and exceedingly difficult to stop simultaneously. 

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies | Skay Documentry

Digitalization profoundly changes whole ventures and society all in all and that opens up new open doors we meet specialists who reevaluate versatility and who make it potential they utilize 3d metal printing and make coatings for parts utilized in vehicles planes and space travel our film enters the universe of stowed away cutting edge super innovations planned to make versatility and our urban areas more secure and cleaner  all over the planet organizations work on making fabricating more effective and harmless to the ecosystem we are visiting a swiss organization called erlikin that creates and makes items for the aviation and car businesses the italian architect alessia toscano for instance works with 3d printing I feel that with am you can tweak your own part assuming you have any part that it's to you can have the opportunity of plan to would anything you like to print so I think here you can do one or the other will be the key for the future she's out traveling to switzerland where she needs to converse with her partners at erlikon on the subject of coding yet first she enjoys some time off to show us which vehicle parts will before long be printed as opposed to made traditionally including cylinders of burning motors and gas.

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies | Skay Documentry

Pedals and what are instances of 3d printed parts so for instance for a card I can say we can deliver an am the section the ins that makes you close your entryway in your vehicle or for instance for a plane we can am make the edge in the turbine and afterward for rockets we are additionally attempting to make an ever increasing number of parts so am currently is assessing all the chance of the multitude of parts in each area so the thing is added substance producing how powders transform into a section and where could we at any point get familiar with this innovation that is viewed as a modern unrest well obviously we have in early canada various plants in usa for instance we just opened another middle in huntersville and they're doing a ton of advancement alessia proceeds with her excursion we will meet her again later yet first we are going to america there on the southeastern coast close to charlotte another plant for 3d metal printing has recently opened. 

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies | Skay Documentry

Here we will meet driving experts in the field of added substance fabricating whose past clients incorporate nasa and lockheed martin they create and produce parts for aviation applications right now they are utilizing a metal powder to print a radio wire section that is undeniably more rough and lighter than whatever preceded it this part was created by ruag as an exhibition of what might one day at any point fly into space as a component of a correspondence satellite which gives route support utilizing advanced geo information so erlacon am centers essentially around added substance producing which is in many cases which is frequently alluded to as 3d printing we center predominantly around metals here so you'll see behind me there's a portion of the printers that we have that do the added substance fabricating cycle and what we're attempting to do here we want to industrialize am so that we're as of now not in the model world we're presently pushing ahead into the creation world and making parts that at last will fly on planes this plant is the only one of its sort in the us highlighting all the pertinent creation ventures under one rooftop from powder mixing and testing to printing heat treatment getting done and quality confirmation you could express that here parts are in a real sense produced using dust we need to comprehend this better how does 3d metal printing work and what works everything out such that captivating later we will get back to see what was the fate of the recieving wire section  to get more definite data we are visiting a researcher who's profoundly associated with investigating added substance producing at quite possibly of the most seasoned college in the country penn state college in pennsylvania here we're meeting abdullah nassar with his understudies he proceeds with his journey for new utilizations of this innovation so today added substance fabricating unites extremely progressed PC frameworks that are permit you to configuration exceptionally muddled highlights with the capacity to construct those elements utilizing advancements that require lasers moving at exceptionally quick paces to develop parts in a real sense out of powder and the freshest what where the innovation seems, by all accounts, to be going is in building perpetually convoluted structures building structures that are never been before fabricated building structures that seem to be nature something that doesn't seem as though it's been made by a person and what those permit us to do is enhance plan so we can get the best presentation out of each and every part that we assemble parts for custom applications whether that be for an aviation application or for a custom vehicle application or for an embed that you put in your body yet what separates 3d printing from regular assembling techniques [Music] traditionally fashioners thought as far as boxes everything was a container and what you do is you needed to remove material from that crate to fabricate your completed parts today we're switching that worldview altogether as opposed to beginning from a crate we're beginning from nothing and we're adding little blocks or little layers or little tracks of material each in turn to develop parts additively that is the reason it's called added substance fabricating as opposed to traditional subtractive assembling here's a model that shows how significant 3d printing will be for the eventual fate of portability so this in this specific case uh this construction is to hold an extremely straightforward sensor that is placed on an aviation application yet again without those sensors your plane can't fly so it's a little gadget that all it serves is to mount a few sensors on your vehicle yet without it nothing happens we are getting back to the development of the recieving wire section it's showing up pleasantly yet needs somewhat more time for what's happening underneath the surface meanwhile we continue to investigate the industrial facility this time the quality testing lab since quality is everything whether in vehicles planes or even muscular inserts on the off chance that the metal powder for 3d parts is utilized appropriately the end result will be lighter stiffer more proficient and harmless to the ecosystem one of the primary parts of added substance producing with the plan opportunity we can deliver a sections which are simply required for the application so we are decreasing the excess material in the part so consequently we are serving the genuine application as well as we are diminishing the weight and subsequently we are decreasing the energy utilization of the part from the assembling to the furthest limit of its existence with added substance producing contamination is decreased right from the start when the material is shipped to the production line there is basically no loss in the process so less material is required contrasted with traditional machining a laser shaft is utilized to liquefy the powder into the state of the last part and make calculations that could some way or another be difficult to produce 3d printed parts are additionally significant for another portability application space trips before long people will return to space and added substance assembling will have a significant influence.

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies

Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies | Skay Documentry

With regards to aviation two things matter one is usefulness and second one is the light lightweight designs like so when you make something out of ordinary assembling one is plan requirement and furthermore you need more motivator financially for eliminating the repetitive material yet in space application like I said the presentation is vital and furthermore the lightweight construction is significant both can be acknowledged utilizing rt fabricating so these viewpoints make iot producing is extremely reasonable innovation for aviation and future space flight missions and afterward the stand by is over [Music] the radio wire section for the satellite is done like a paleologist a professional uncovers the bionic part it looks a cycle peculiar practically like something you would find in nature in the field of bionics specialists copy fruitful designs found in nature an exemplary model is the honeycomb which is exceptionally strong yet light simultaneously burden on the honeycomb is disseminated across the whole construction and subsequently keep it from causing neighborhood harm bionic honeycomb structures utilize this very guideline in regular applications we gain from nature as far as understanding that to such an extent that specific sorts of designs are especially appropriate for explicit application without going through the math yet fascinatingly, assuming that you truly do feel free to go through the numerical what you find commonly is that the normal designs are the streamlined designs so it's a volatile cycle where we're propelled essentially and afterward we utilize that motivation to return do our designing computations and concoct the designs that we truly need to fit an application now the creation of the radio wire section goes into its last stage a specialist eliminates the construction from base utilizing an electric wire is warmed to a temperature of a few thousand degrees then the part should be examined through a blue light filtering process which is fitting since the section is intended to be sent off into space on board a ultra complicated and costly satellite so both added substance fabricating covering innovations totally impact your day to day existence they're as of now affecting the aviation the clinical business and there are something else and really building up momentum into ordinary shopper things the vehicle you drive will have numerous additively made parts the planes you're on as of now do or will before long have many addedly made parts even inside your body you will soon logical have an added substance fabricating insert in when you go downhill close to added substance fabricating there is one more secret type of cutting edge surface covering the reason why is it so significant in light of the fact that surfaces come into contact with all that they come into contact with the rest of the world and the rest of the world is tragically some of the time all in all too brutal so you can have your part planned flawlessly with a material that will endure every one of the powers to endure these cruel external powers the coding system needs to utilize unforgiving powers too we return to switzerland here we meet alessia again who is reviewing a totally new machine along with her associates the computerized room-sized machine for warm showering is the only one of its sort on the planet it can cover parts for the car and aviation enterprises utilizing temperatures that are much higher than those found on the outer layer of the sun what is extraordinary about this machine and this innovation it's conservative it squeezes into a steel trailer which likewise prompts a decreased lead time in creating and introduce establishment time is additionally diminished on the grounds that it's all casing based so we can place it into a steel trailer haul it out stick in plug in water power and gases and afterward it's introduced so this is a genuinely colossal step for our industry the little plant is completely programmed and utilizes a robot to play out the work basically put the part inside the machine is barraged with metal powder and superheated by a fire the temperature inside the fire can arrive at up to 16 000 degrees celsius the outer layer of the sun scarcely arrives at 5 500 degrees liquid particles arrive at the part and cool off consequently framing another ultra safe surface layer right now the machine is covering a chamber utilized in truck motors what does this covering do precisely warm splash has a wide assortment of utilizations for portability yet to provide you with two or three substantial models fine residue discharges from autos is a significant issue and there are various ecological guidelines emerging concerning that this is an ideal illustration of a brake circle from a commonplace vehicle with our coatings we diminish erosion and furthermore the residue emanations from these brake plates subsequently expanding the lifetime of the brake dust yet additionally assisting the makers with accomplishing their ecological objectives and that is vital in light of the fact that as per germany's ecological office the scraped spot of brakes tires and streets currently represents right around 60% of all particulate discharges the chamber is currently covered and prepared to begin its life out and about different various coatings are utilized in the versatility area the cycle utilized relies upon the end result parts inside a plane's motor need to endure temperatures surpassing 2000 degrees celsius and require an unexpected covering in comparison to parts utilized outwardly or within a vehicle a ton of headway is being made in this field right now for instance the supposed epd process utilized by erlikon balsas applies slender coatings with unique properties to get more familiar with this secret innovation we are going to the country that is home to the biggest auto market on the planet china in suzhou 100 kilometers west of shanghai there is a machine that will have a major influence in molding the fate of vehicles here we are meeting luis chan an architect who concentrated on in germany among different spots and who is a specialist in coding innovation especially the new epd process the cycle occurs in a purported clean air wound and requires no substances that would be hurtful to the climate epd is a substitution for the stirring system this type of surface completing is risky since it utilizes substances like chrome 6 it likewise utilizes a lot of water dirties it and jeopardizes individuals who interact with it that is not the situation with the epd cycle the monster completely mechanized machine applies metal coatings to plastic parts like trim parts for vehicles in a manner that is totally harmless to the ecosystem today the machine is handling hood decorations for chevrolet and buick so the proficiency and ecological kind disposition of versatility starts with coatings involved on little plastic parts in our vehicles okay so presently we can see here two vehicles next to me and in my grasp I have the item you saw that before in the plant this has been covered in epd before look how you run in your vehicle the number of plastic parts around your vehicles on the off chance that you ate everything together getting 30 weight decrease which implies for a decrease of discharges like co2 like other harmed gases and the lighter load of the vehicle the less outflow the less utilization the fraunhofer establishment for added substance creation innovation gauges that 3d printing can save six tons of co2 outflows per kilogram whether it's 3d metal printing new materials or the most recent coding innovation parts continue to get lighter and less weight generally implies less destructive co2 progressively smoother and harder surfaces less mileage lower loads and lower fuel utilization that is the recipe representing things to come in the field of coding yet the epd cycle has an extra capability vehicles that drive independently will have an enormous number of sensors on board remembering those mounted behind the brand logo for the radiator grille in future these logo identifications need to permit laser and radar shafts to go through so the significant sensors can take care of their business just in this manner will advancements like 5g become usable and thus make independent driving conceivable so surfaces and materials are a conclusive component for the vehicles representing things to come yet for what reason are materials so significant materials direct in a real sense life and passing for us today truly propelling materials are expected to fly your planes you can't fly a plane without aluminum and titanium materials that are simply genuinely late with regards to world history where we're at today is having the option to carefully plan all that we're in the computerized age we should return to china advanced and green advancements are treated extremely in a serious way here as should be visible in the space encompassing the city of yangzhou customarily youthful zhou has had a huge convergence of compound organizations and that meaningfully affected the air in the locale yet things are changing large vehicle organizations like volkswagen have settled here their objective utilizing clean assembling to offer clean items only a couple of last contacts before the huge send off in yi jing chinese auto provider da fung wu yu is setting up its new epd coding machine in a couple of days it'll go into ceaseless activity for enormous brands like volkswagen and general engines the senior supervisor makes sense of why coding innovation is critical to such an extent that is to do with a wide range of uses of coding and epd innovations from the motor the entire way to the body as vehicle taking actions toward lightweight development savvy plan independent driving 5g web of things and the systems administration of vehicles this field of utilizations will keep on filling in the future the epd innovation is a dry coding process in view of it coding processes have improved essentially since conventional synthetic cycles cause fundamentally more contamination of the air as well as underground water the way that natural security is presently treated extremely in a serious way in china is repeated by an administration delegate who shows up on the day we're shooting advancing development primary change the proceeding with improvement of creation processes and harmless to the ecosystem creation objectives that the chinese government has been chasing after for quite a while hence new cycles and advancements utilized by cutting edge organizations, for example, dfwy are allowed to give significantly more catalyst to the modern area yet is that enough can stowed away advancements truly further develop our carbon impression later on [Music] after all there are currently 8 billion individuals on planet earth by 2100 this number is supposed to move to 11 billion the endless suburbia go on moreover the interest for vehicles is expanding especially in arising countries [Music] we should take a uber city like shanghai for instance with a populace of now 26 million individuals portability needs to stay clean maybe the world climate day which happens on the fifth of june every year can help so on this climate day that we have today uh it's a great festival of added substance fabricating innovation too in light of the fact that one of the apparatuses will ideally lessen our carbon impression and our general effect on the climate it will assist us with streamlining energy reserve funds for everyone added substance producing or modern 3d printing and surface innovations will assume a part in how protected and clean our versatility will be notwithstanding exchange wars specialists like alessia toscano and organizations like ehrlich are now working on it on a worldwide scale and across borders.

Skay Documentry

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